

Skekkler is a Shetland artist working under a pen name.

Their identity is unknown.


Skekkling is a Shetland tradition branching from Norse roots. 

The word ‘skekkler’ may be derived from the forgotten lore of ‘Skekla’.

Skekla is an ogress who rides a black horse with a white patch on its brow. The horse has 15 tails and on each tail dangles 15 children - these children being the skekklers we now think of today. 

On the island of Unst ‘skekklers’ are sometimes referred to as ‘grøleks’ - a name that closely resembles that of the Faroese and Icelandic Grlýur; a child eating giantess. 

During the long dark Winters months in Shetland, groups of skekkler would go house to house (“hoosamylla”) surprising unsuspecting households with their obscured identity; straw costumes, concealed face and unfamiliar (“unken”) customs; speaking in supernatural tongue - using grunts and reversed inhaled speech; performing ritualistic dance (often to music). It was custom for the skekkler to ask the household for an offering (usually a piece of meat) of which was placed into an animal skin bag they brought with them.

It has been said that the presence of the skekkler upon your home is otherworldly. 

Continuing the tradition (with a means to preserve) the artist Skekkler creates limited edition prints of skekklers to be sent hoosamylla.

Which skekkler will you send?...